Title: A simple DoF-achievable scheme for the Gaussian interference channel with delayed CSIT

Author(s): Rezaee M.,Guillaud M.,Schreier P.J.,Clerckx B.

نمایه شده در: Scopus Crossref

شناسه دیجیتال: DOI:10.1109/GLOCOM.2014.7417735
شناسه اختصاصی:
[برای لینک دادن به این صفحه]

We consider the two-user Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Interference Channel (MIMO-IC) with outdated channel state information at the transmitters (CSIT). For a fast- fading scenario, the degrees-of-freedom (DoF) region for this channel has been characterized by Vaze and Varanasi in [1]. We devise a simple achievable scheme, which has a unified structure for different antenna configurations. In the proposed scheme, matrices with random entries chosen from a continuous probability distribution are used in the process of designing the precoders. The unified structure of the precoders involving random matrices makes our scheme suitable for generalization to other networks. © 2015 IEEE.

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