Title: Right 2-Engel elements, central automorphisms and commuting automorphisms of Lie algebras

Author(s): Jafari M.H.,Madadi A.R.

منبع: Forum Mathematicum : Volume 30, Issue 4, 2018 , Pages 1049-1060
نمایه شده در: Scopus Crossref WOS

شناسه دیجیتال: DOI:10.1515/forum-2017-0210
شناسه اختصاصی:
[برای لینک دادن به این صفحه]

In the present paper, right 2-Engel elements, central automorphisms and commuting automorphisms of Lie algebras will be studied. For this purpose, first the structure of the set of all right 2-Engel elements of a Lie algebra will be examined and then, by taking advantage of it, a number of interesting results about central and commuting automorphisms of Lie algebras will be presented. Finally, a characterization of Lie algebras for which the set of central automorphisms is trivial or the set of commuting automorphisms is trivial will be given. © 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston.

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