Title: B2Rank: An algorithm for ranking blogs based on behavioral features

Author(s): SM; Mohades,MA; Hashemi,Tayebi,A

نمایه شده در: WOS

شناسه اختصاصی:
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Blogs have become one of most important parts of web but we do not have so efficient search engines for them. One reason is differences between regular web pages and blog pages and inefficiency of conventional web pages ranking algorithms for blogs ranking. There are some works in this field but users' behavioral features have not considered yet. In this paper we present a new blogs ranking algorithm called B2Rank based on these features.

در صورتی که تاکنون مقاله‌ای در اسکوپوس یا وب آو ساینس داشته‌اید ابتدا پروفایل خود را در سای اکسپلور بیابید و ادعای پروفایل نمایید.

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